JRN 200
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Recap - Sleep
There are many things one can do to improve sleep habits. Lack of sleep can be detrimental to many areas of life – studies, memory, daily e...
Preview - Sleep
College students quickly learn the importance of prioritizing the essentials – studying, eating, being social. However, many s...
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Recap: Eating in MSU Dining Halls
While Caelen Malmstom and Hannah Lazarus both struggle to satisfy their dietary needs , they do recognize that the MSU dining halls are maki...
Preview: Eating in the MSU Dining Halls
For many students, choosing what to eat in the Michigan State University dining halls is the simplest choice they will make each day. Howev...
Monday, March 27, 2017
The vet: A recap
After taking Joanna to the vet, McDowell is uncertain about the results. She is glad the vet took x-rays of Joanna’s paws. Joanna is now sha...
Joanna and Kevin go to the vet
It is time for the vet for Lisa McDowell’s dogs Joanna and Kevin. McDowell said she adopted Joanna and Kevin in May. McDowell is bringing t...
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